The Power of Flowers, Welcome 2023!

“If you listen to a flower,

you can feel the entire universe in one falling petal.” - Jamie Beck

Throughout time flowers have been an endless source of inspiration. Flower fossils dating back millions of years suggest that flowers have been around practically since the beginning of time, yet we never tire of their beauty. Flowers cross all boundaries and cultures and even with different symbolism or customs surrounding them, their appeal is something we can all agree on. Is the appeal of flowers in their incredible beauty, or is it that they remind us that life is transitory and that we should enjoy the moment? It is this last thought that reminds me of 2022. Last spring, I had the incredible opportunity to visit England at the flower season's peak. Our adventure began when we first stepped out of the airport in London and headed straight to the Chelsea Flower Show. To say that I saw the most incredible flower displays of my life is not an exaggeration. In the few days we spent in the Cotswolds, we saw flowers in their full cottage garden glory and so many roses! I wish I could relive a day of stepping out of our thatched cottage and seeing the flowers growing freely on the wall without a care in the world, even though their glory would soon fade. There is so much to learn from flowers including an appreciation for each moment in time—so long 2022. You brought me many beautiful moments.

One Second Everyday

~ My Annual Goal ~

I’ve found that writing down my goals puts them into the world and helps me stay accountable. Instead of specific goals, I have been choosing words or phrases to symbolize what I want in the year ahead. Last year I chose the phrase, “take a leap,” as inspiration for 2022 after listening to Tara Mohr’s book, Playing Big, Practical Wisdom for Women who want to Speak Up, Create, and Lead. She talks about taking on leaps instead of just focusing on a big project itself. I am particularly proud that I was able to use this phrase to give me the confidence to move my goals forward this last year. For the last two years, I have been writing a musical, Reverie, and am pleased to share that a condensed version of the show will premiere in April 2023 at my school. This has been a large undertaking with still much work to be done as the show enters its production phase and it never would have been possible without a constant stream of small leaps. To think about everything that needs to be done at once is overwhelming, so I have been continuously taking small steps toward my goal. To follow along on my Reverie journey, follow @reverie_musical on Instagram!

Whatever path your 2023 may lead you on, I hope you take the time to stop and smell the roses.

~ My Memories Connected to Flowers ~

~ For 2023 ~

This Christmas a glorious new book entered our house. My sister gifted my mom with a copy of An American in Provence, Art, Life and Photography by Jamie Beck. I have been a fan of Jamie Beck’s photography for some time and even began oil painting in 2020 inspired by her hashtag #isolationcreation. Her new book is a masterpiece and tells the tale of how the course of her life was changed by a move to the south of France. She rediscovered herself without the cultural programming society has engrained in us, which leads me to my focus this year- to remain true to myself. As I go forward in 2023 writing music, engaging in creative pursuits, and going off to college, I want to remember my truth and not get lost in the hustle culture. We are taught that pulling all-nighters and not taking breaks make us hard workers, but in reality, life is about living. It’s impossible to fully embrace the life we are given when we are sleep deprived and burnt out. I’m no stranger to pushing myself a little too hard and being proud of how much I can withstand. In 2023, taking care of my physical and mental well-being will become my top priority.



Chicago the Musical


Cheers, London 🇬🇧