It's 2019!🎉


Collage created by @chlocreated

A year can really change a person. When I look back on the big and little things that happened in 2018, I really notice all of the things that have changed. For all the people in my life, thanks for all of the memories I got to make with you that created the year 2018. I know that 2019 is going to be a new adventure. I can’t believe that am going to be starting high school this year! I made a list of goals for 2019, but this year I am going to focus on how much I grow as a person, rather than if I check off everything on the list. 

So there is this trend going around recently where you pick one word that you want to represent the next year. My 2019 word that I picked for myself is “grace”.  Even though my name is Grace, I have never put a lot of thought into what this word really means. The word, grace, has so many different meanings. The dictionary has many definitions of grace including “simple elegance or refinement of movement” and a “short prayer of thanks said before or after a meal.” I had never really looked too deep into the meanings behind my name until my grandma gave me a book called Grace. (Surprise surprise) It has different quotes and passages about grace. The book defines grace as, “ Grace takes on many forms. For some, grace is forgiveness and kindness. For others, grace is elegance and class. For those who are religious, grace means God’s grace, a state of love and mercy. For all, grace represents a state of being that transcends the ordinary and makes us more understanding, more loving, and more dignified.” I am just beginning to realize what a complex word grace is. Thinking about grace is going to give me a lot to contemplate in 2019. I hope everyone had a great new year and an amazing 2019 to come!


Grace must find expression in life, otherwise it is not Grace.
— Karl Barth, theologian

Behind the Scenes of my First Music Video!


Just a Dreamy Idea: Debut Album